Sustainability Policy

Mission Statement

We recognise our duty to act in a responsible manner and to do all we can to safeguard the future of the planet. We undertake to minimise the impact on the environment of the actions that we take and to foster the same responsible attitude towards the environment in our associates.


The directors are responsible for the successful implementation of this sustainability policy in both the firm as a whole and the individual offices in which they work. We encourage our associates to share in the responsibility in their own actions.


We aim to reduce our carbon footprint through:

  • Operating through local offices to reduce any travel
  • Ensuring that our premises accessible via public transport
  • Encouraging associates to use public transport, car share or cycle to work, join our cycle to work scheme and use the secure cycle storage areas provided on the premises
  • Limiting travel to necessary journeys only
  • Reducing travel via the use of remote access and video tele-conferencing

Office Consumables

We will reduce the effect on the environment by:

  • Recycling glass, paper, plastic and cans
  • Using confidential waste suppliers that recycle the waste effectively
  • Investing in efficient and eco-friendly equipment
  • Recycling toner and printer cartridges
  • Educating associates on paper management and ways to reduce waste
  • Eliminating unnecessary waste e.g. plastic cups in the workplace
  • Using secure portals to correspond with clients rather than in paper format


We will put in place procedures to:

  • Upgrade lighting to low emission lighting
  • Ensure that lights and equipment are turned off when not in use
  • Review the environmental impact of new equipment before it is acquired
  • Ensure that the offices are properly maintained, insulated and thermostats are set to sensible levels


In order to ensure all stakeholders inclusion they will be:

  • Provided with ongoing education
  • Actively encouraged to report any weaknesses and suggest improvements


Sustainability issues will be considered at regular directors’ meetings and we will continue to monitor, review and adapt our policies in order with our overall mission.